Mission Statement
- A diverse and welcoming environment where each person is valued
- Helping others by giving them the tools they need to succeed
- Making a difference as part of a community
- Inspiring and motivating ourselves and others
- Valuing all and acting with integrity and awareness
To achieve this, the College promises to:
- Offer a range of courses that will provide residents and other customers with the chance to develop the skills, confidence and knowledge to achieve qualifications and experience to enter work, and succeed as a valuable contributor to society and the economy.
- Offer a range of courses that will nurture and develop a wider set of skills that can empower residents and other customers to grow as individuals, keep their minds and bodies active, challenge preconceptions and support the ethos of lifelong learning.
- Listen to the needs of individuals and groups, such as employers, Children’s Centres, Job Centres and other council departments, and, where resources permit, provide responsive courses to fulfil their needs.
- Work with, and extend, the range of external partners used to increase the potential for participation in specialist areas of learning that the College would otherwise be unable to provide.
Havering Adult College values diversity and, as a leader in lifelong learning, will work to ensure there is equality of opportunity for all, whilst protecting our staff and learners from harm, and the risk of radicalisation, through our well-established procedures for safeguarding all.
The College acknowledges that learners join programmes for a number of reasons whether this is social and community, economic, as part of a cultural experience or to gain life skills. As such, the curriculum planning will embed equality and diversity throughout, whether this is through resources, direct delivery or the curriculum itself, ensuring it is fit for purpose and understanding that the ‘one size fits all’ approach is not appropriate in today’s changing communities.
The College’s Management Team will continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of practices ensuring that there are no gaps in achievement for any particular group of learners.
The College will actively look to widen participation into areas of the community who have not previously engaged with the provision by ensuring that we use mechanisms to determine learner demand and whether any barriers exist in accessing these courses. If barriers do exist, then we will aim to remove or reduce these as quickly as possible.
Equality and Diversity Action Plan Outcomes 2020 – 2023
Whilst at all times we are ensuring that anyone who wants to access our provision has the ability to do so, gaps in participation and attainment have been analysed, and as such the following action points have been identified as our priority:
- To increase the take up of support by male learners
- To ensure that all staff have an awareness and suitable knowledge to assist those with mental health issues
- To ensure the College’s population reflects the ever-changing diverse nature of the wider community. This is to be achieved by engaging with a range of stakeholders who will aid us in ensuring the curriculum reflects the needs and interests for maximum participation.