

We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all our adult learners.

This leaflet is designed to help you to understand the importance of safeguarding and preventing harm and abuse within our college community.

  • As part of the College community you are expected to:
  • Contribute to a safe environment
  • Follow Health and Safety requirements and report any concern to your teacher or one of the Safeguarding Officers
  • Respect the College’s facilities and resources
  • Show respect and courtesy to others
  • Report concerns about the welfare of others

The College will not tolerate any form of bullying including cyber-bullying.

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the process of protecting adults at risk of harm, abuse or neglect.
At Havering Adult College we have a duty to ensure your safety and wellbeing while you study here. 

What is abuse or neglect?

Abuse or neglect is when someone does or says something which harms you. No one has the right to abuse you.
Abuse or neglect can be a single one off act or something that happens over weeks, months or years and it can happen in many different ways.

The list below is not exhaustive but the recent guidelines from the Government identify abuse the following: 


Physical Abuse

Involves acts like hitting, pushing or force-feeding.


Financial or Material Abuse

Include theft, fraud or the misuse of someone’s possessions without their consent.


Emotional/psychological abuse – Coercion

Threats, isolation, humiliation and controlling behaviours.


Sexual Abuse/Exploitation

Encompasses non-consensual sexual act or coercion.


Domestic Abuse

Include various form of abuse within intimate relationship or family like psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse.



Involves the failure to provide proper care, such as food, medication or maintaining hygiene.

Telling Us

If you or someone you know is being abused or neglected or at risk of being harmed or abused, inform your teacher or the Safeguarding Team (or the police if someone is immediate at risk) immediately.

Look for the safeguarding posters displayed at all of our sites to find a specially trained member of our staff who can listen and help you, or download it below. You can also download our Safeguarding Team and Reporting Process posters; and our guidance booklets below 

During office hours you can contact our Safeguarding Team directly, by email using the link below.  If you need to contact us out of hours, please use the Havering’s Emergency Duty Team details below.

Contact the Havering Adult College Safeguarding Team via Email

Contact Havering's Emergency Duty Team Out of Office Hours